This past February marked 17 years since Bill opened his gallery in his hometown’s downtown. Several months ago, he relocated the gallery to a larger skyway level spot in the handsome Securian Center. His ten-year lease illustrates his continued support or downtown and this city, second to the fact that his ever growing portfolio of art consistently promotes it.
Little Girl, the little black Montana cat who had lived in his previous gallery space four blocks away (see her in some Bill's Montana photos here) is now living in a 17Th floor apartment in the 32-story Kellogg Square building. Its east wall, which is all window, allows Bill and her a grand view of the city and the great bend of the Mississippi river valley to the south.
The café Bill created for the little town of Opheim, Montana he sold to the community in April of last year. His wish that it become a community owned café came true. The animals that were such a part of Bill’s Montana life, except for Little Girl have passed on now. He still has his land north of town; a high spot overlooking the Canadian border.
This fall, Bill will seek a seat on the Saint Paul City Council again - he nearly won it in 2007. He cares greatly about Saint Paul and perhaps with the support of the voter majority he can do his part and help it become an even better pace to live, work and visit.
Last summer, Bill undertook a unique photography project he calls The Carriage Houses and Barns of Saint Paul. Initially, his focus was within the historic Summit Hill area. However, after exploring several other neighborhoods: Irvine Park, West Seventh, Upper West Side and Dayton’s Bluff, he soon realized he could not overlook a corner of Saint Paul. So for three months he then explored all fifty-some square miles of the city on his bike. Every alley and most every street, half of which are seemingly on hills, in search of carriage house and barn type structures. In all, it was a journey of hundreds of to and fro back and forth miles. The completed project consists of 500 images on five poster prints.
Bill will be 49 in September. He hopes he is only halfway through his life, but we never know of course how long we will be here. Each day is a gift.
Thank you for visiting Billhosko.com
More about Bill in 2008...