The Art Work
Bill Hosko
May, 2004
After enduring one of the snowiest winters in old-timer memory, north Valley County Montana residents finally saw the last of their great snow drifts in late April. Well so those hearty Montanans thought! After seeing highs in the 80's only days before, on May 10 the clouds began to thicken, the east winds began to quicken and the oncoming rain began to change to snow by nightfall.
Up atop the ridge at Lonesome Prairie, Bill awoke the next morning to a full blizzard. Not wanting to be stranded atop the hill, for he needed to catch a St. Paul bound train the next day, Bill stocked well his "family's" feed and set off for town in his trusty old Ford. Driving through the miles of often whiteout conditions Bill made it into the the little town atop its own highspot on the plains.
There he continued his labors, slowly creating a most unique cafe. By nightfall the high winds continued as did the depth of the deepening snow. Stranded in town by a May 11th blizzard!
Oldtimers Evan and Mert were happy to put Bill up for the evening. The following day the winds began to subside as did the snow (10 inches total) and Bill was able to make it up north to his "winter" parking spot and hike up the mile and a half to Lonesome Prairie. On his way he had a most unusual encounter with a "teenage" mouse and an unhappy "father" Great-horned Owl. Tradgedy and bloodshed, with a bit of humor as well. The story? We'll save that for another time.
With his animals attended to Bill set off for Glasgow and a rendezvous with an eastbound train. (Top photos: March, 2004; bottom photos: May 12, 2004)