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Evening on St. Peter Street II

Evening on St. Peter Street II

Saint Paul, Minnesota - Oil on Canvas - 2015

Saint Paul has often been referred to by architectural critics as being the last of America’s eastern cities. Artist Bill Hosko concurs, with the addition that Minnesota’s capital city has the essence of a European city as well. In this scene, as the end of the day nears the low clouds have begun to clear and the setting sun casts its last rays upon the Saint Paul Hotel (1910) and Landmark Tower office and condominiums (1981) in the distance. To the immediate left is the Hamm Building (1915) and to the right dominating the scene is cathedral-like Landmark Center (1902). In 2015, the artist played Mother Nature and added snow and subtle holiday decorations to the original 2007 warmer weather scene - Evening on St. Peter Street I. (Oil high-lights added to canvas print)

Premium Archival mat paper print - Image size: 22.50” x 18” - Signed/Numbered edition size: 999 - $125

Premium Archival mat paper print - Image size: 22.50” x 18” - Signed/Numbered Artist’s Proof edition size: 99 - $175

Premium Museum Finish canvas print - Image size: 22.50” x 18” - Signed/Numbered edition size: 999 - $150

Premium Museum Finish canvas print - Image size: 22.50” x 18” - Signed/Numbered Artist’s Proof edition size: 99 - $195