Art, Music and Great Plains
This has been the twenty-fifth year since Bill opened his gallery in his hometown’s downtown. When this website was first created by Erling, Bill’s friend from North Dakota who lives part time in downtown Saint Paul, in 2001, Erling felt it was important that the public be able to have a sense of what Bill’s life is beyond his artwork.
Over the past year, Bill has added a back-log of many newer art images to this site including: the James J. Hill House, the Lowry building, Robert Street Lift Bridge and Sunrise on Cathedral Hill. Then, after much past information had been updated, he set about photographing all of the framed artwork within Hosko Gallery so that customers can shop Hosko Gallery here on Billhosko.com.
Currently, Hosko Gallery & Custom Picture Framing is sharing its home with Music Forest Café on the corner of East Seventh and Jackson Streets.
Out West, two years ago, Bill purchased a small Outpost three hours further west from the larger property he once had in northeast Montana; his land there he decided to sell after making a trip there one early January day three years ago...
The buildings on his treeless, windswept ridge-top property, three miles from Canada, had been gone for years. The café he’d created for the little town, on its own high-spot eight miles south, was still in operation, although closed this day. The little town, population perhaps 60 now, was quiet, few were about. The clouds were low and gray, snow covered the landscape, hoar-frost was thick on the fewer trees in town and on the miles of fence-lines and power lines going off into the open expanses beyond.
Bill thought about those he came to know and most cared about the ten years he was there - 1998-2008. All were gone now; most had passed away, others had moved away. They were progressive and conservative both, in their view of the world and their view of an artist from Saint Paul living on a ridge eight miles north of town - a wide valley between. As he headed east towards Richland, Scobey, Plentywood, the North Dakota line and ultimately Saint Paul in a dozen hours of mostly night driving, he knew he wouldn’t go back to his high-spot just because he could. It was time for another outlook.
He’s very content with his new little spread in north-central Montana - again not far from Canada. It is high grassland and farming country. To the north, dramatically rise the Sweet Grass Hills. They are small mountains actually, geographically rare - a fantastic scenery of grasslands in the lower areas and endless vistas, evergreens, wildflowers and rocky slopes higher up. To the south, is a large reservoir lake thirty miles in length. It is lined by countless lower hills, bluffs and small valleys - a land of grass, water and sky.
More about Bill in 2015...